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Jim Pearce's Online Trade Trade Tutorial
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I hope you’re excited for my first-ever online trading tutorial right here at TOMORROW.

(I know I am!)

But there’s one more piece of business we need to settle TODAY.

When my tutorial begins at 1pm Eastern tomorrow, I’ll be revealing to you the exact ticker symbol of one of these 3 stocks below.

Which one? That’s for YOU to decide right now...

Click here to tell me which 1 of these 3 stocks YOU want us to bet AGAINST…

After that, all you need to do is show up for my FREE online tutorial. I’ll send you an email tomorrow before the event to remind you.

Tomorrow at 1pm Eastern: I’ll push the “go live” button on my first-ever online trade tutorial. And show you the exact stock and the exact how-to steps that could make you a personal windfall that’s potentially as big as $124,160.


We go live with my first online trade tutorial in just 48 hours!

I think you’ve already gotten a pretty good picture of how fast, easy, and huge the returns from this secret “Zombie Trade” strategy can be. And why you need it RIGHT NOW more than ever.

But sometimes, as a guy who lives mainly in spreadsheets, I lose sight of the deeper satisfaction that comes from a winning streak. Even more so from an opportunity to turn the tables on a frustrating year.

That’s why I wanted to make sure you saw this new video from my publisher, Jeff Little. I’ve known Jeff for a long time and… well... he has a bit of a short fuse. But his heart is in the right place.

Just click the “play” button below and see for yourself:

On Tuesday Oct. 13 at 1pm Eastern: I’ll push the “go live” button on my first-ever online trade tutorial. And show you the exact stock and the exact how-to steps that could make you a personal windfall that’s potentially as big as $124,160.

In Your Next Pre-Game Profit Multiplier Tomorrow: I’ll give YOU the chance to select the #1 zombie trade that you want to see me deep-dive into during Tuesday’s tutorial. Remember, the more FAKE a stock looks, the more money we’re likely to make...


We’re getting closer to Tuesday’s main event.

  • You’ve already heard me explain my personal history with these “Zombie Stocks,” and my mathematical methodology for trading them.
  • You’ve seen some truly eye-popping numbers that have been independently verified over the past decade, so you know this strategy has staying power.
  • You’ve even seen me lose to my wife at pickleball.

So with our time running short, we need to get right to the chase and zero in on the top “Zombie Trades” of 2020 so far.

First, looking at these newer examples will further prove to you why I’m so convinced that RIGHT NOW is the best time there’s EVER been to use this simple but powerful strategy for big bucks.

(Even more so than the periods we discussed in 2000 and 2008.)

Second, I'm genuinely worried you might have to one of these stocks in your portfolio. If so, hopefully this serves as a timely warning… I think the worst is yet to come!

And if you DO have one of these stocks, you’re looking at a great opportunity to reposition yourself and get on the right side of the trade, so you can profit when it tanks.

Because remember… the way a “Zombie Trade” works is by spotting a stock that’s about to go DOWN… which is actually quite a bit easier than spotting one that’s about to go UP.

And the twist in my strategy is: we then trade AGAINST it instead of WITH it. For many multiples of its typical price movement.

No fancy graphics from our art team (sorry). This is straight from my good old spreadsheet:

The Top Zombie Trades Of 2020 So Far...

But the truth is, I think all of these stocks could slide further in the weeks to come.

So you may be wondering… are any of these the stock that I’ll use in my tutorial on Tuesday?

No… I’ve actually got something much worse in mind, which in the upside-down world of “Zombie Trades” means something much more potentially profitable for us.

On Tuesday Oct. 13 at 1pm Eastern: I’ll push the “go live” button on my first-ever online trade tutorial. And show you the exact stock and the exact how-to steps that could make you a personal windfall that’s potentially as big as $124,160.

In Your Next Pre-Game Profit Multiplier Tomorrow: We’ll learn some of the telltale signs of a "Zombie Stock," right before it’s about to take a slide… and make us a ton of money. My publisher thought of an interesting way to explain it to you, which I’ll reveal tomorrow.


If you’re worried that my method for making these “Zombie Trades” will tie you up at your computer all day long… don’t be.

They’re fast. You can enter them within minutes, and cash out for profits within days.

(And I should know because I’ve been personally using this method myself for years.)

There’s nothing like that kind of freedom — it’s fantastic.

So when I saw this text message from my wife this morning, I was happy for the excuse to leave the office & get some fresh air:

text message

Well, I should have known it was a “set-up”...

The minute I got to the court, she was giving me the business.

Apparently, she had read the same email I sent you the other day… which means she’d also found out that I’d been making these secret trades behind her back all these years…


She was pretty mad, as you can imagine. Upset that I never told her about this.

But she couldn’t argue with the results. This was how we had been able to afford all those home “upgrades”... all those scuba diving trips… and all those long, leisurely lunches at our favorite French restaurant downtown after pickleball.

My wife also pointed out something that hadn’t even occurred to me.

If I could do this right under her nose — without her catching on — then it must not take very long to do.

And that makes me even more excited that my first-ever online trade tutorial on Tuesday could be a true turning point in your life as an investor. (Instead of just something you just watch, but never wind up acting on.)

You see, the #1 worry that most investors have about actually doing these “Zombie Trades” in their own accounts is:

What if it takes too long???

Too long & difficult to enter the right keystrokes to start the trade… and/or too long & drawn-out to eventually exit with a profit.

DeeDee now knows, from personal experience, that this just isn’t the case.

And she made this little video to prove it to you. Just click the “play” button below to watch it:

On Tuesday Oct. 13 at 1pm Eastern: I’ll push the “go live” button on my first-ever online trade tutorial. And show you the exact stock and the exact how-to steps that could make you a personal windfall that’s potentially as big as $124,160.

In Your Next Pre-Game Profit Multiplier Tomorrow: We’ll get right to the heart of the action, and zero in on the biggest zombie trades of 2020. (If you’re holding any of these in your portfolio hoping they’ll go up — duck and cover.) Remember, this is truly a year like none other, in the stock market and otherwise. Get on the WRONG side of this “Zombie Market,” with the WRONG trades, and you’ll ride it all the way down to Enron-town & Lehman-ville. But get on the RIGHT side, with the RIGHT trades, and you could grab enough to retire on, and then some.


By now you’ve probably realized that the kind of profits you can take home with this “Zombie Trading” approach are staggering.

That’s what history says:

+ 1175.00%
+ 1040.00%
+ 1045.83%
+ 4156.00%
+ 644.91%
+ 1166.67%
+ 2200.00%
+ 99.76%
+ 3820.00%
+ 15750.00%
+ 6366.67%
+ 8680.00%
+ 1196.30%
+ 5500.00%
+ 1558.00%
+ 597.56%
+ 1720.00%
+ 9553.85%
+ 39400.00%
+ 1750.00%
+ 340.00%
+ 84.21%
+ 300.00%
+ 566.67%
+ 950.00%
+ 2560.00%
+ 5960.00%
+ 1721.74%
+ 1550.00%
+ 1633.33%
+ 3100.00%
+ 3600.00%
+ 3900.00%
+ 19400.00%
+ 11500.00%
+ 172.73%
+ 5733.33%
+ 2900.00%
+ 4100.00%
+ 600.00%
+ 5600.00%
+ 834.18%
+ 99900.00%
+ 9700.00%
+ 1757.14%
+ 5800.00%
+ 1000.00%
+ 725.00%
+ 842.31%

And that’s what my latest research forecasts say too.

With less than $10K into each of the three trades I’ll reveal on Tuesday, you could hit a HALF-A-MILLION dollar jackpot…

But if you want to get started for around 50 bucks you can do that too. (That’s less than it costs you to order takeout.)

Listen, I’ve been in this business for decades… maybe you’ve seen me on Yahoo! Finance, The MoneyShow, or LinkedIn.

But unlike many of the snub-nosed “experts” who spew out complicated stock charts… confusing “bollinger” bands... and complex candlestick patterns…

I like to keep it simple.

Yes, my proprietary system — which I’ll reveal in full on Tuesday — sweeps a high-tech data screen across 630,000 stocks, using a unique set of 6 filters, until ONLY the biggest, fastest-money trade opportunities remain.

But so what? A Rolex has 220 moving parts.

Do you actually care to count them? Or do you want to know what time it is & look good doing it?

In other words, all that matters here are results.

And the results that support the performance of this type of trade, over the past decade, are simply astounding.

All of the following come from an independently-verified research study by Philosophical Intelligence Office Inc.

And they all tell the same story: simple as 1,2,3.

  1. A “Zombie Trade” profits when a stock moves DOWN, not when it moves UP. Which is handy when you’re nearing a market top — and you’d be crazy to invest in half the stocks out there at what they’re trading for now.
  2. When I say “up” I don’t just mean in the opposite direction… I mean a move that’s WAY faster & WAY bigger. (Like your dad jumping on the other end of a seesaw when you were little.)
  3. I talked a lot yesterday about how RIGHT NOW is the best opportunity I’ve EVER seen to make these “Zombie Trades”... but, even if I’m “wrong,” you can STILL use this trade to make big bucks on specific targets. Because let’s face it, even in a bull market...not every stock is going up

Again, everything you’re about to see comes from the past decade, which was a classic BULL market.

See, the thing is, there are ALWAYS stocks moving down. And they’re actually way EASIER to spot than stocks moving up. You just may not have known what to do about it before now.

But I do. And here are some examples of what I mean, from that study:

Here’s a -59% drop on JC Penney:

Becoming a “Zombie Trade” win, 10 days later:

A -19% buy & hold nightmare ride on Exxon Mobil:

Turning into a mind-bending 7-day windfall. Which could have turned a tiny $100 starting investment, into $8,780:

But one that left me scooping my jaw off the floor was this trade on Kroger, the national grocery chain.

When its stock dropped -20.5% between June 9th and June 16th, one “Zombie Trade” went on an unrestrained kill streak. Posting a 39,400% gain, or 395 times your money.

Imagine if you’d scraped together a spare $50 — what you’d probably spend on a tank of gas — and invested it in this Kroger trade.

You’d have come out $19,700 richer... a week later… with enough to buy a nice low-mileage sedan.

I could go on and on with these.

Remember that “crawl” I showed you yesterday?

+ 1175.00%
+ 1040.00%
+ 1045.83%
+ 4156.00%
+ 644.91%
+ 1166.67%
+ 2200.00%
+ 99.76%
+ 3820.00%
+ 15750.00%
+ 6366.67%
+ 8680.00%
+ 1196.30%
+ 5500.00%
+ 1558.00%
+ 597.56%
+ 1720.00%
+ 9553.85%
+ 39400.00%
+ 1750.00%
+ 340.00%
+ 84.21%
+ 300.00%
+ 566.67%
+ 950.00%
+ 2560.00%
+ 5960.00%
+ 1721.74%
+ 1550.00%
+ 1633.33%
+ 3100.00%
+ 3600.00%
+ 3900.00%
+ 19400.00%
+ 11500.00%
+ 172.73%
+ 5733.33%
+ 2900.00%
+ 4100.00%
+ 600.00%
+ 5600.00%
+ 834.18%
+ 99900.00%
+ 9700.00%
+ 1757.14%
+ 5800.00%
+ 1000.00%
+ 725.00%
+ 842.31%

But I think at this point you’re already convinced that these “Zombie Trades” are a totally different animal than you’ve ever seen before, and that they’re uniquely suited to the state of the market we’re in right now.

What you’re more likely starting to wonder is… how can an ordinary investor use a pro-level trading strategy in less than 2 minutes, without breaking a sweat?

Don’t worry, I have you covered.

On Tuesday Oct. 13 at 1pm Eastern: I’ll push the “go live” button on my first-ever online trade tutorial. And show you the exact stock and the exact how-to steps that could make you a personal windfall that’s potentially as big as $124,160.

In Your Next Pregame Profit Multiplier Tomorrow: I’ll reveal the #1 worry that most investors have about actually doing these “Zombie Trades” in their own accounts — you’ll be laughing by the end when you realize what a non-issue it is.


How I first discovered this “unfair” trading strategy… and why I’ve continued using it ever since

+ 1175.00%
+ 1040.00%
+ 1045.83%
+ 4156.00%
+ 644.91%
+ 1166.67%
+ 2200.00%
+ 99.76%
+ 3820.00%
+ 15750.00%
+ 6366.67%
+ 8680.00%
+ 1196.30%
+ 5500.00%
+ 1558.00%
+ 597.56%
+ 1720.00%
+ 9553.85%
+ 39400.00%
+ 1750.00%
+ 340.00%
+ 84.21%
+ 300.00%
+ 566.67%
+ 950.00%
+ 2560.00%
+ 5960.00%
+ 1721.74%
+ 1550.00%
+ 1633.33%
+ 3100.00%
+ 3600.00%
+ 3900.00%
+ 19400.00%
+ 11500.00%
+ 172.73%
+ 5733.33%
+ 2900.00%
+ 4100.00%
+ 600.00%
+ 5600.00%
+ 834.18%
+ 99900.00%
+ 9700.00%
+ 1757.14%
+ 5800.00%
+ 1000.00%
+ 725.00%
+ 842.31%

What you’re about to read today… I’ve never shared this story with ANYONE.

Not my friends. Not my boss. Not even my own wife.

But I’m going to share it with you today, because you NEED to know.

See, right now we’re stuck in a “Zombie Market.” That means the price of stocks has become disconnected from the reality of what’s going on with these actual businesses.

It’s brainless. They keep marching up, up, up. For no good reason.

(We’re even seeing companies that are literally BANKRUPT double their stock prices overnight.)

That ain’t normal. And it puts you in a really tough position as an investor.

Because what are you supposed to do? Buy in at the height of the insanity? Heck no.

But at the same time, you NEED a return on investment to fund your retirement. So you can’t just wait it all out on the sidelines and do nothing...

Because you could be waiting there for a LONG time.

Just like in the movies, "Zombie Markets" are “undead”... they’re a bag of bones that can fall apart in a stiff breeze, but they can also keep going for months or even years.

So what you need is a tactical trade you can make RIGHT NOW, that takes advantage of the obvious, underlying weakness of so many of these stocks. Putting YOU in control.

This type of trade turns the "Zombie Market" into a shooting gallery. Nothing but soft targets.

How do I know? Because:

I first mastered it during the last two “Zombie Markets”... in late 2000 and early 2008.

Back when I was working as a professional wealth manager for some extremely demanding “high-net-worth” clients.

I know it’s easy to look at to look at my achievements now…

From owning my beautiful dream home in Alexandria, VA… to traveling around the world... deep sea diving in crystal-blue waters…

And to look at the countless slam-dunk success stories from my Investing Daily readers… you’d think I had a boatload of natural talent right from the start.

To be perfectly honest… I didn’t.

For years, I was one of those “suits” who was glued to my desk in the office from 9am to 9pm. It took a ton of energy, but that was no problem for me.

Because the excitement of managing more than $50 million bucks at-a-time, sent electric currents through my veins.

I was directly controlling hundreds of different accounts. Some of them for “Big Wig” executives, others just for everyday Joes like the ones I grew up with.

I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. But I LOVED it.

Many of my colleagues, however — they shirked at this duty. The second the clock hit 4:01, and the markets closed... their grubby thumbs were on the “unlock” button to the BMW... their minds already on whatever cold drink was waiting for them at the weekend lakehouse.

See, in professional finance, there’s two types of players: the ones that skate by, working harder to maintain an illusion of success than actual success (like the zombie CEOs and zombie politicians that are driving these zombie businesses into a ditch right now… but I digress).

Then there’s the grinders. Like me.

The “tinkerers” who work tirelessly to design strategies that protect & grow money, no matter what the stock market is doing. My clients were glad I was part of the latter group. And so was I, because I met all kinds of interesting people at the cutting edge of trading.

In fact, the very first time I ever saw one of these “Zombie Trades”...

I walked into the room where our firm’s “delta team” traded. We liked to hang out and swap strategies from time to time.

While I had risen to the top of my own wealth management discipline — which is very high-touch and client-centered — these guys were sharpening the razor’s edge of pure scientific trading innovation. Doing stuff I’d never imagined in my wildest dreams.

They were trading the “parent” company’s OWN money, so they were authorized to do whatever it took.

I’ll never forget when the smartest of the bunch — let’s call him Kurt — spun around in his office chair, eyes beaming at me as he screwed the cap on his Diet Mountain Dew bottle, and said...

“Hey Jim, wanna see how to retire in a single trade?”

“Yeah sure Kurt,” I said, “When you quit sucking down 9 of those sodas a day and smoking those you-know-what’s out behind the building, I’ll believe it.”

But something about his expression felt different, so I saddled up on a chair next to him…

And he showed me an astonishing type of trade that changed everything.

A hidden secret these guys were using to generate enormous profits for our company.

And for themselves too.

  • A trade that you could enter into for literally PENNIES
  • That would go up even when a stock was going DOWN
  • Like a “frown turned upside down”... but not into a smile… into the biggest @$#@*($@ eating grin you ever had in your whole life

In exchange, I taught them my own proprietary steady-income and risk-reducing strategies they could protect their own families with. And you can be sure they were grateful right back at me.

But THEIR concept was so powerful, I soon realized with this trade alone… not only could I buy my own lake house…

I could do it IN A SINGLE TRADE... and write my own happy-ending retirement, with my own personal pickleball court.

Of course, I didn’t do that, and I kept on with my day job. I had clients who trusted me deeply, and who relied on me for their livelihoods. So I kept learning from these “delta team” traders, and made a LOT of money, too.

Then in the “Zombie Markets” of late 2000 and early 2008, I saw with my own eyes that they were RIGHT. This type of trade really worked.

I did so well for my clients — despite the market mayhem, they all came out better than they started — that I was able to hang up my spurs. I had done my job.

So I left that firm and joined the fine folks here at Investing Daily so I could help a much broader set of investors than just those high-rollers.

I signed various Non-Disclosure Agreements, which prohibit me from revealing the incredible results I generated for my clients in that earlier time period, using secret trading strategies like the "Zombie Trade."

I can’t tell you the real names of my buddies either, who I’m forever indebted to for letting me in on their secret.

But yes: I found a legal way to sneak that trade out of those stuffy office hallways. Not a moment too soon. Because there’s a new “Zombie Market” in town, and it’s the biggest one I’ve EVER seen.

So thanks for letting me get personal today. You’ve probably never read anything from me, or from Investing Daily, that had so few numbers.

But don’t worry… there’s plenty more of that to come too:

+ 1175.00%
+ 1040.00%
+ 1045.83%
+ 4156.00%
+ 644.91%
+ 1166.67%
+ 2200.00%
+ 99.76%
+ 3820.00%
+ 15750.00%
+ 6366.67%
+ 8680.00%
+ 1196.30%
+ 5500.00%
+ 1558.00%
+ 597.56%
+ 1720.00%
+ 9553.85%
+ 39400.00%
+ 1750.00%
+ 340.00%
+ 84.21%
+ 300.00%
+ 566.67%
+ 950.00%
+ 2560.00%
+ 5960.00%
+ 1721.74%
+ 1550.00%
+ 1633.33%
+ 3100.00%
+ 3600.00%
+ 3900.00%
+ 19400.00%
+ 11500.00%
+ 172.73%
+ 5733.33%
+ 2900.00%
+ 4100.00%
+ 600.00%
+ 5600.00%
+ 834.18%
+ 99900.00%
+ 9700.00%
+ 1757.14%
+ 5800.00%
+ 1000.00%
+ 725.00%
+ 842.31%

On Tuesday Oct. 13 at 1pm Eastern: I’ll push the “go live” button on my first-ever online trade tutorial. And show you the exact stock and the exact how-to steps that could make you a personal windfall that’s potentially as big as $124,160.

In Your Next Pregame Profit Multiplier: You’ll see with your own eyes the decade-plus of scientific data that went into my system for “Zombie Trading.” What if, through all the chaos, wild market swings, and uncertainty we’re seeing these days… you not only had the consistent ability to spot these “Zombie Trades” before they explode, with precision accuracy… But you could ALSO pinpoint the trades with the highest profit potential? I’ll show you how that’s possible next.